Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Back in the saddle

So, last week we officially started back to school. We were going to go straight through summer but ended up taking a 3 week break. Wow!!! We should not have done that. As one who only has young ones, so I cannot attest to older children, I can tell you they forget amazingly fast! At least I learned this lesson early on. Note to self: DO NOT take a break in the summer!!! I already have a struggling reader as it is and all the guilt that a home school mom has with that. You know, the helpful people who say “well, if she were in REAL school she would read better” yeah sure whatever! Or even comparing myself to other home school moms whose children read at 4 (you know who you are and you KNOW I love you) while mine still struggles at 7. Since I cannot win with myself, or a few other “well meaning people” for that matter, I think I am going to give myself a little break, pray to the One who told me to do this in the first place (by the way, the best thing I have ever done – even if I am having a bad day), and get over myself. I’ve got little ones to teach for God’s glory!!

1 comment:

MamaHen said...

I'm taking a break cause my struggling reader and writer was taking forever to write spelling words and I had to just walk away. :)

Girl, I have been through the great reader and the struggling reader thing so call me if you need to vent or have any questions!