Sunday, May 16, 2010

Become Amish?

As some of my friends know, I have, as of late, been immersing myself in Amish and Mennonite culture. I have been fascinated and have felt drawn to these lifestyles for a number of reasons. Who wouldn’t want an entire community that loved and supported you in your faith? Who wouldn’t want a strong work ethic among the young people, as well as the adults? Who wouldn’t want to know the “skills” that are becoming obsolete? Who wouldn’t want a rock solid faith that withstands the test of time and consequences? Who wouldn’t want to “stand out” for Christ? For me other than the not having electricity for my air conditioner – I do live in Alabama you know – and giving up my clothes, accessories, and make-up I would say where do I sign to become a Mennonite : ) So, I started reading an awesome book the other day called Amish Peace by Suzanne Woods Fisher. I highly recommend this book for everyone, whether you care about the Amish lifestyle or not. At the very beginning of the book she totally “hooked” me when she quoted an “Uncle Amos” article about becoming Amish. I thought it worthy to pass it along:

Become Amish?
“If you admire our faith, strengthen yours. If you admire our sense of commitment, deepen yours. If you admire our community spirit, build your own. If you admire the simple life, cut back. If you admire deep character and enduring values, live them yourself.”

Wow! That says it all. I think I will work on becoming Amish in my heart and maybe leave the rest alone for now ; - )

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