I know, sounds like a funny topic for the blog but you would be amazed at how many comments I get a week about something relating to clothes. Like, I can never find anything good where do you shop? Think about the questions we ask someone when we see them in something we like. Where did you get it and my typical answer is the thrift store but we will get to that later. So, as I was cleaning out my closet this past week getting ready for spring I started taking notes and here is the result of that “note taking” session.
- If you will go through your closet at least twice a year, spring and fall, you will be able to make the most of your wardrobe. You will be shocked at how many clothes you end up having (when you thought you didn’t have anything to wear) if you will take the plunge and do this. It might take a while the first time you do it but it gets easier every year.
- Be sure as you are going through your closet (especially if this is the first time doing this) not to throw everything out. Yes, I said don’t throw everything out the FIRST time. Here is what you want to do:
- I got this first idea as I was doing my daughter’s closet one year. As I was “matching up” her outfits (tops and bottoms) and hanging them together I realized, “why don’t I do that?” How much time would I save every morning if all I had to do was go to my closet and pick out an entire outfit with ease all because it was hanging together (top and bottom?) Well, I can tell you it saves A LOT of time and wasted energy by doing this.
- Okay, so now you are asking how do I match outfits? Ladies, I know you know how to do this. It is not hard – don’t make it rocket science. Start simple, like colors with like colors. Also, if you have more than one shirt that matches a skirt hang all three together. Different tops can create a totally different look and nobody will notice that you wear that “same old skirt” every week. (If you have 5 tops that match the same skirt this is when you start weeding them out. Save the best, release the rest.)
- Key point here ladies, if you like an article of clothing that you have had forever you don’t necessarily have to throw it out (unless it is worn completely out – in that case put it out of its misery and toss it.) Instead, see if you can “update it.” Updating can be as easy as putting a “modern” top with it if it is a skirt or skirt if it is a top. And by “modern” I am talking about the purchase of a new article of clothing at this point not going with the latest “trend” (trust me there is a difference.) Another way to update an item is changing buttons out – but you don’t have to be that ambitious if you don’t want to.
- Next point, as you are going through your closet start a list of items you might need. This saves you money in the long run when you go shopping. For example, I love this skirt but don’t have the right color top. If you can, just write down the color top you need and the style of the top you need (example: tan fitted T-shirt.) You want to be sure and put descriptive terms like “fitted” or dressy so that you don’t end up with literally a tan T-shirt that would best be put to work in the garden. If you question whether or not you will get the right color bring the item with you. I have brought many a bag into my favorite thrift store with clothes to match inside it. I simply go to the front and tell the ladies what I am doing that way I am not tackled by security (this could make for an unpleasant shopping experience.)
Okay now where and how to shop:
- Please get the idea out of your head that you have to spend a lot of money to look good. Not the case. I do not put a lot of money into my clothes. I would rather spend my money on good skin care (but that is a completely different blog topic.) You can get some GREAT clothes at a good thrift store (good because there are some junky ones.) And anything else you need you can get at local stores but ONLY if they are on sale. You want to walk in those stores and go straight to the discount racks. Don’t look at the regular price racks unless you have a coupon or something. I MEAN IT! DON’T DO IT!
- So now that we have where we shop, how do we shop? Well, think of it as walking into a fabric store not a clothing store. Even if you don’t know all the top designers names you can tell by the feel of the fabric whether it is cheaply made or not.
- Also, scan the racks for colors that you like. You don’t have to go through items piece by piece. I only go piece by piece when it comes to books (again a completely different blog topic.) “Scan” over the rack (meaning walk down the isle) and search for colors you like. When you see “your” color that’s when we feel of the fabric. Good fabric, good designer (if you know it), get it! Now I know some of you are saying what about price – IT’S THE THRIFT STORE JUST GET IT!
Okay, I will leave it at that for now because I know some of your heads might be reeling with this information (LOL) but I may possibly be back for a part II segment.
Happy Spring Cleaning!