Wednesday, December 30, 2009


I am reading a great book and ran across this passage today that I had to post.

“When we have children, we are placed in the position of standing between our children and the harsh world that threatens to crush them. We can bear the weight of this responsibility with bravery and love, or we can let go in order to ‘fulfill ourselves.’”

“We seek to eternally impact our children for good, to protect them from an evil world and train them so they can eventually be a light to that world. For us, the cost of making this impact will not necessarily mean to literally die. Nevertheless, we will have to die to ourselves, our ambition, and the praise of men. In doing so, we will probably have days that are utterly devoid of glamour, where we do nothing but wipe runny noses, change smelly diapers, and wash dirty dishes. But no matter how lowly the world may view those tasks, God highly values those who perform such basic acts of service. In trading ambition for service, we will win praise from the living God. And we shall surely not lose our reward.”

Matthew 10:42: “And whoever in the name of a disciple gives to one of these little ones even a cup of cold water to drink, truly I say to you he shall not lose his reward.”

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